Selected for Poetry Anthologies

2020The Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry Cassandra Atherton and Paul Hetherington (eds.) Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2020 (p. 177)
2017The Best Australian Poems 2017 Sarah Holland-Batt (ed.) Carlton: Black Inc. 2017 (p. 159-161) 
2017Contemporary Australian Poetry Martin Langford, Judith Beveridge, Judy Johnson, David Musgrave (Eds) Waratah: Puncher and Wattman, NSW, 2017. 
“[Includes] an excerpt from Alan Wearne’s ‘The Vanity of Australian Wishes’. He is our finest verse satirist (particularly in respect of the longer form of the verse novel), diagnostician of, besides much else, ‘some disease out there, vain, wistful and Australian’. Since Alexander Pope, rhyme has been the main armament of poetic satire, telling a terse story in the rhyming words. Memorably Wearne gives us “Flannery/granary!” in respect of an infamous Sydney hitman.”  Peter Pierce (The Age
2014The Best Australian Poems 2014 Geoff Page (ed.) Collingwood: Black Inc., 2014 (p.93) 
2014Melbourne Subjective: An Anthology of Contemporary Melbourne Writing Patricia Poppenbeek (ed.) Port Melbourne: The Cartridge Family, 2014.
2013The Best Australian Poems 2013 Lisa Gorton (ed.) Collingwood: Black Inc., 2013 (p.183-184)  
2012Fifty-One Contemporary Poets from Australia 2012: Part 1 Pam Brown (ed.) Pennsylvania, Philadelphia USA: Jacket2: PennSound: Kelly Writer’s House: University of Pennsylvania 2012. Online at 
2012The Best Australian Poems 2012 John Tranter (ed.) Collingwood: Black Inc., 2012 (p.9-16) 
“Wearne begins to look rather like Patrick White, in his enduring involvement with passionately struggling contemporary characters and dramatic urban stories. Read this long poem in this collection and see what you think: his ‘Anger Management: a South Coast Fable’ is a short novella in loose free verse, which tells the sad story of a love gone wrong.”  John Tranter (ed.) Introduction, p.xvi.  
2012Notes for the Translators: From 142 New Zealand and Australian Poets Macao: Association of Stories in Macao, 2012 (p.422-424) 
2011The Best Australian Poems 2011 John Tranter (ed.) Collingwood: Black Inc., 2011 (p.178-182
2011Australian Poetry Since 1788 Geoffrey Lehmann and Robert Gray (eds). Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2011 (p.822-827) 
2009The Best Australian Poems 2009 Robert Adamson (ed.) Melbourne: Black Inc., 2011 (p.221-225) 
2009The Puncher and Wattman Anthology of Australian Poetry John Leonard (ed.) Waratah: Puncher and Wattman, 2009 (p.103-104) 
2009Sixty Classic Australian Poems Geoff Page (ed.) Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2009 (p.233)
2009Harbour City Poems: Sydney in Verse 1788-2008 Martin Langford (ed.) Waratah: Puncher and Wattman 2009 (p.144-145) 
2009The Cambridge History of Australian Literature Peter Pierce (ed.) Cambridge [England]; Port Melbourne, Vic.: Cambridge University Press, 2009). 
2008100 Australian Poems You Need to Know Jamie Grant (ed.) Prahran: Hardie Grant Books, 2008 (p.204-205)
2008The Best Australian Poetry 2008 David Brooks and Bronwen Lea (eds) St Lucia: Queensland University Press. 2008 (p.118-123)
2006Australian Writers 1975-2000 Detroit: Gale Research Co. 2006 (p. 322-329) 
2005‘The Ballade of easy Listening’ in The Best Australian Poems 2004 Anthony Lawrence (ed.) Melbourne: Black Inc., 2005 (p.175) 
2004‘Ballade for Alan Gould’ in The Best Australian Poems 2004 Anthony Lawrence (ed.) Melbourne: Black Inc., 2004 (p.193-195)
2003‘Knox City: A Ballad’, ‘Down Under’, ‘Bound for South Australia’, ‘Bless This House’, ‘The Never Never’, ‘Ascot Vale 1953’, ‘Santamaria’s Major “Crime”…’, ‘Seventeen Illawarra Couplets’, and ‘Hurstville’ in  The Best Australian Poems 2003 Peter Craven (ed.) Melbourne: Black Inc., 2003 (p. 215-225)
2002Friendly Street Poetry Reader: Twenty-Six Iona Petrescu & David Ades (eds) Adelaide: Kent Town: Friendly Street Poets: Wakefield Press, 2002
2001‘Legend: Jack, the Barman talks to Kim. Saturday June 6 1970 1.15am’, ‘Carrie, Wal’ in A New Music John Leonard (ed.) Wollongong: Five Islands Press, 2001 (p.138-141)
1999‘Stubbsy: a success’ in Landbridge: Contemporary Australian Poetry John Kinsella (ed.) Fremantle: Fremantle Press, 1999 (p.308-314)
1999The Best Australian Stories 1999 Peter Craven (ed.) Melbourne: Bookman Press (p. 261-282) 
1998‘Elise McTaggert’ and ‘Roger’ in Australian Verse: An Oxford Anthology John Leonard (ed.)  
Melbourne: Oxford University Press (p. 60-62) 
1996‘Sue Dobson’ in The Oxford Book of Modern Australian Verse Peter Porter (ed.) South Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1996 (p. 206-209) 
1995A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Australian Poetry Geoff Page, Author. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1995 (p. 309-312)
1994‘Saint Bartholomew Remembers Jesus Christ as an Athlete’ in The Oxford Book of Religious Poetry Kevin Hart (ed.) Melbourne: Oxford University Press (p. 229-230) 
1993The Oxford Book of Australian Love Poems Jennifer Strauss (ed.) Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1993 (p. 229-230) 
1993The Sting in the Wattle: Australian Satirical Verse Philip Neilsen (ed.) St Lucia: Queensland University Press (p. 216) 
1992Perseverance Poets’ Collection 1991-1992 Louise Craig (ed.) Clifton Hill: Perseverance Poets 1992, (p. 106)
1991The Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry John Tranter and Philip Mead (eds). Ringwood: Penguin 1991 (p.342-347)
1989La Mama Poetica Mal Morgan (ed.) Carlton: Melbourne University Press 1989, (p.176-177) 
1985Off the Record Compiled and with an Introduction by PiO. Ringwood: Penguin, 1985 (p.166-167) 
1983Shadows from Wire: Poems and Photographs of Australians in the Great War Geoff Page (ed.) Canberra: Australian War Memorial, 1983 (p.52)  
1982A Possible Contemporary Poetry: Interviews with Thirteen Poets from The New Australian Poetry Martin Duwell, Interviewer. St Lucia: Makar Press 1982 (p.144-150) 
1980The Golden Apples of the Sun: Twentieth Century Australian Poetry Chris Wallace-Crabbe (ed.) Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1980 (p. 219
1979The New Australian Poetry John Tranter (ed.) St Lucia: Makar Press, 1979 (p. 283-303)
1979Poems from The Age R.A. Simpson (ed.) Melbourne: Hyland House, 1979 (p.118) 
1978Poet’s Choice 1978 Philip Roberts (ed.) Sydney: Island Press 1978 (p.104-106) 
1971We Took Their Orders and Are Dead: An Anti-War Anthology Shirley Cass (ed.) Sydney: Ure-Smith, 1971 (p.248-249) 
1970Australian Poetry Now Thomas Shapcott (ed.) South Melbourne: Sun Books, 1970 (p. 219-221)